Why I’m Here

I started Raising Brooklyn for two primary reasons. First, there is almost no information on the lived trans-feminine experience online, or the lived trans-feminine experience outside the typical narrative. Often, it’s difficult to find stories, or information, about the nuances and daily realities of trans-life, and, while there is more information these days regarding topics such as health care and support, it’s often contradictory, out-dated, or unreliable. There are many more topics that are either non-existent or sparse. Important things like: details of coming out to family, co-workers, clients, and friends; what to expect from HRT; different approaches to HRT; advocating for health care; how to fucking shop and find clothes (hopefully my trial and error will help someone else); navigating relationships in a completely new way; straight talk on sex; misgendering yourself internally; walking into a nail salon for the first time; or being on dating sites as a trans woman and all the complexities that lie therein. I hope this site can help other trans feminine folx navigate these waters and find identification – and just maybe provide intelligent, honest, and eye-opening information for cis people.

Second, I wanted a place to make sense of my ever changing self, body, life, thoughts, and perceptions; a quiet place to record my journey and reflect on who I’ve been, who I am, and who I want to be. One thing I can say with certainty is that whatever I say today is likely subject to revision. The “I definitely feel this way” mentality was a mistake recognized in hindsight, which I have worked to remedy. This is my experience. This is not every trans woman’s experience. All I claim is my exploration is honest and sincere, based on my self awareness at the moment. I don’t have all the answers; I don’t have a magic formula. I do, however, have strong opinions on some things and a lot to talk about. But, at the end of the day, all I offer is honest, sincere entries of my life.

So, welcome to Raising Brooklyn – one middle-aged trans woman’s journey to finding myself, living through it, and reveling in all the beauty therein – unapologetically.